Kids, Create the Cake of Your Dreams!
Meet the cake of every mini baker's dream

Here’s a cake that’s guaranteed to put a big smile on every wannabe baker’s face.
The Dolly Varden cake, also known as the “Princess Cake”, takes after a character from the Charles Dickens novel, Barnaby Rudge. Dolly Varden from the the book was a flirty, carefree young woman who donned colourful clothing. The Dolly Varden cake aptly features a doll insert with a decorated layer, which resembles the doll’s colourful dress. The possibilities of what the dress can look like are endless!
Rochelle Adonis Cakes + Confections, a household name in and out of Perth when it comes to baked delights, is holding a workshop for kids aged 4 to 13. During class, they can create their very own Dolly Varden cake to decorate and to take home. It’s the perfect experience for your youngins if you’d like to introduce them to baking.
Find out more about ticket pricess and class details in the link below.
Photo banner is credited to The Culinary Library.