Restoring your Family History (Fixing Old Photographs)

Restoring Family History (Fixing Old Photographs)

Restoring Family History (Eltham)

Next Available: Sat, 10 May 2:00PM (AEST)
3 hours


If you have boxes of old slides and prints that need to be sorted and restored then this is the ideal class for you.

Over three hours we show you how to digitise old family photos using inexpensive scanners and then how to restore the images using software such as Photoshop Elements.

We suggest you bring a laptop as the class is practical and sample images will be supplied to practice with in your own time.

The class is perfect for Family History fans the class and covers

  • Choosing and using scanners
  • Scanning Slides and Photographs (the right settings)
  • Fixing the damage such as scratches using software
  • Restoring colours from faded images
  • Colourising Black and White Images.
  • Making Slideshows from the images

The class uses Photoshop Elements for the restoring section and we suggest you have at least a trial version of the software loaded on your laptop.

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What you will learn

  • A hands on class showing how to use what is regarded as the world’s best photographic software. You bring your Laptop (with the software pre-loaded -The trial version will do), we supply the images and advice.
  • Making HDR and Panoramas/White Balance/Noise Reduction and more

What you will get

  • We will provide for you several images that need work as well as guidebooks so you can work on the same images later.
  • Small class max 4 persons at Local Venues and at Weekends
  • "Hands on " Teaching from a Tutor with 10 years experience in Restoring old images as well as 30 Years experience in Photography

What to bring

  • Laptops with Software Preloaded, the trail version will be OK. Note pads and a pen and an eagerness to learn!

What to wear


Appropriate for

Open to everyone interested!

Alwyns Photo School

(76 Reviews)

Who am I

My name is Alwyn Hanson, I have been teaching photography for over 30 years in Melbourne. I have worked with and taught over 30,000 people including new users as well as training groups such as Victoria Police,  MFB and many Government Departments. 

I believe in teaching photography in a simple, logical way rather than boring lectures. My classes are short, practical and complete. Most are three hours long (My experience is longer classes don't always achieve good results)

I teach photography and software based on classes that have run with great success in my previous position as manager of Michaels Media School in the Melbourne CBD. 

I am passionate about teaching and want you to use YOUR camera to take great photos.

I can teach you in a class or if you prefer at your home, cafe or local park. 

You tell me what you want and I can make it happen.

Why Alwyns Photo School is different.

We believe in working WITH all the special features on the camera,NOT turning them all off and going manual. The camera companies have spent millions in development, so why reinvent the wheel. We can teach YOU how to take great photos on YOUR own digital camera.

Alwyns Photo School, making great photography easier.

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Cancellations & Refunds

If the organiser cancels the class:

You are entitled to a full refund.

If you can't attend the class:

You’re welcome to send someone in your place.


You may cancel anytime before class starts and claim a full refund or transfer or credit note.

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Classes are based on a Maximum of Four Students, in the unlikely event that the minimum number of bookings is not reached we will organise either an alternative date, offer and alternative class option or offer a full refund.

Outdoor workshops and events are subject to Weather if bad Weather is forecast (Based on BOM forecasts 48 hours ahead) we will offer an alternative date, or an alternative class option or offer a full refund.

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