Make Sausages like a Boss

...and breakfasts will never be the same again

Creativity 2 min read Oct 02, 2019
Make Sausages like a Boss

Knowing how to make your own sausages means you get to be the boss of what goes in them. Theoretically, you can make sausages from anything you want. And when you how to make your own sausages, breakfasts will never be the same again.

There’s a lot of takes on making the humble sausage, but the key things are quality ingredients and a good grinder. For help understanding exactly how to make sausage, we look to people who know what they’re talking about. People like folks from the popular The Artisan’s Bottega, who regularly teach workshops on how to go from novice cook to kitchen master.

Their upcoming class on sausage making, run by their in-house butcher, will teach participants how to make from scratch some popular sausage choices, using free range pork. And after you’ve done the work, you get to enjoy your finished products with freshly baked bread and some wine. Yum!