Soil Health Affects Pests and Produce Nutrition

Soil Health Affects Pests and Produce Nutrition

Online Class Delivered Via Zoom

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Over 20 people have attended this class


We have had soil wrong for a long time. Find out how to get it right! We know that soil is the fundamental building block for life on the planet, yet we have managed to lose two thirds of the glue, called humus, that holds our soil together and keeps it healthy. 

Soil health plays a major role in all manner of gardening challenges and successes and this session will enthuse you to actively grow soil. Soil humus levels should be at 5% of soil volume, but with an average level of a paltry 1.5%,  we need to lift our game. Why? Lifting the humus level by just 1% will increase the water holding capacity of 1sqM of soil 200mm deep by 17 litres. 

This session will explore how how increasing the humus levels not only helps water retention in the soil you grow your vegetables in, but can affect the amount and frequency of pests that invade your patch and the density of nutrients in the food that you produce.  It will also show you some simple ways you can test the health of your soil and provide you with some practical approaches you can incorporate to help your crops be pest free, nutrient dense and full of real flavour. 

This session is taken by Craig Castree, bio can be seen below.

This session is part of the Masterclass Series "Growing the Foundation Soil Series". Other topics include – Perennial Food Growing, No Dig Gardening, Biochar 101 and Mulch and Organic Matter Application Explained. Book the Series Package for discount.  Friends of SGA receive a 15% discount on all Master Classes. You can become a Friend of SGA here and GGPs receive a 30% discount. 

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What you will learn

  • That soil is everything when growing food.

What you will get

  • Free access to recording for 2 weeks

What to bring

  • No

What to wear


Appropriate for

Gardeners who really want to grow good quality food in high quantities

Sustainable Gardening Australia (SGA) is a not-for-profit non-government organiation dedicated to achieving a healthy biodiverse planet.

Its driving purpose is to:

  • Encourage, educate and enable home and professional gardeners to adopt sustainable gardening practices to protect or enhance the natural environment;
  • Provide information, education and undertake research about the natural environment;
  • Reconnect people to the natural world through gardening; and
  • Ensure an understanding of the impacts that gardening decisions about chemical and resource use have on the natural environment well beyond their neighbourhood.
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Your Teacher

Craig Castree is an award-winning Horticulturist of 45 years’ experience at growing his own food organically and creating edible gardens. He is a Published author 5 books all pointed toward being self sufficient on an urban block. You will have no doubt seen him on channel 7TWO on Vasilis Garden as one of the regular presenters, or heard him speaking on 3AW, and on 88.3 Southern FM, or read his articles in the Royal Horticultural Gardeners Gazette. Now see him here.....

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4.9 (10 reviews)
Debbierated it
05 Apr 2024
Absolutely loved this! It was a real light built moment for me. I've been struggling with growing vegetables and nearly gave up altogether until watching this. I was doing everything wrong and my vegetables were weak sickly and decimated by pests. I feel armed and ready now to have another go as it just makes sense to me now. Thank you so much.
Elizabethrated it
20 Mar 2024
An excellent class on soil, microbial, nutrition of soil and many other ways to keep building our soils to the highest nutrition for better healthy soil and veggie growing.
Tessa rated it
20 Mar 2024
Well presented and very informative, thank you
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  • Bookings are considered final once payment is made and no refunds will be given for non-attendance.
  • If there are insufficient numbers for an event it may be cancelled or postponed by SGA. If this is the case, you will be notified and given the option of either a full refund or a transfer to a different SGA event of equivalent value.
  • Please arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled starting time for registration and seating
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